RCA Pipe Up Video

A wonderful video created by the ADS6 architecture students at the RCA, storytelling our collaboration Pipe Up.

The video takes a look into the Darwen Terracotta factory, showcasing the skills and craftsmanship that goes into our ceramic creations.

Definitely worth a watch!

St Pancras Church Restoration

The old against the new.

A detailed restoration block being created in the factory for the beautiful St Pancras Church in London.

Clay Technology Magazine

We are featured in the February issue of the wonderful Clay Technology Magazine.

This issue also presents an article by Alexis Harrison - 'Everything's Coming Up Clay', explaining why he believes the future of clay materials in the construction industry is bright, referencing our work on House For Essex and One Eagle Place whilst at Shaws.

A great informative magazine that is definitely worth a read.

To read the full article on the launch of Darwen Terracotta visit here

Red Rose Awards 2016

We have now been listed in the finals for the Red Rose Awards 2016, for the category of New Business.

Receiving two award nominations is a great start to the week, and we are all delighted.


To see the full list of finalists click here

Business Masters Awards 2016

We are delighted to have been shortlisted for the Newcomer Award at this years Business Masters Awards!

We have worked incredibly hard over the past months, and its amazing to receive such recognition.

Chris Barry, Editor of TheBusinessDesk.com said: "There are some fantastic, innovative and disruptive businesses on our shortlist this year and it was particularly encouraging to see some outstanding entrants in the Newcomer category."


To view the full shortlist click here

A Visit to Manchester Art Gallery

A couple of weeks ago we visited the wonderful Manchester Art Gallery to see the newly refurbished design gallery, and explore their current exhibitions. The refurbished 19th century former Athenaeum theatre space was simply stunning and the perfect setting for the display of Modern Japanese Design. This exhibition looked into a variety of aspects of Japanese design including fashion, furniture, and an area we know all too well - ceramics. We particularly enjoyed the work by artist Yasuko Sakurai, who created exquisitely complex ceramic forms in sculptural, geometric shapes. Made by hand, these clean glazed creations captured the simple beauty of light and shadow, and showcased the material beautifully. There were some highly interesting and skillful pieces of work throughout the exhibition and the entire Art Gallery, and we would definitely recommend a visit.

Modern Japanese Design is running until 15 January 2017

To find out more visit >> http://manchesterartgallery.org/

In The Factory

Work is well under way in the Darwen Terracotta factory and we're incredibly excited to see the space filling up with lines and lines of moulds and terracotta creations at this early stage. 

Wonderful restoration projects for both Wigan Town Hall and Wolverhampton Civic Hall are currently being crafted by our highly skilled team, with Eileen and Valerie making the final touches before being firing the process.

Productivity is high, and we're back to what we do best. This year is looking great.

Royal Academy of Arts

Mavericks : Breaking the Mould of British Architecture

This wonderful exhibition looks into the architects who refuse to conform to the norms of mainstream architectural culture. In celebrating the work of 12 British architects, the RA features the amazing practice FAT Architects, who we worked closely with in the making of Grayson Perry's A House For Essex whilst at Shaws.

We're extremely looking forward to experiencing this exhibition and have no doubt that it will be highly fascinating display.


26 January — 20 April

Saturday – Thursday 10am – 6pm
Friday 10am – 10pm
Free Admission

4 february

Does Architecture Need Mavericks?

Charles Owen Hopkins introduces 'Mavericks' and chairs a debate exploring the role of unorthodox approaches and original thinking in architecture. 


To find out more on this exhibition click here

Lancashire Telegraph

A great article on the launch of Darwen Terracotta in the Lancashire Telegraph - 'clay it again' as pair rescue jobs.

To read the full article visit here